As a  qualified teacher( PGCE Art and Design, UWIC 2000) I have gained vast experience in teaching art for over 10 years.

This has included:

-Primary school Art Co-ordinator   

-teaching art and design in secondary schools and FE colleges: Year 7- 13, including GCSE, GNVQ and A-level courses

-teaching art and design in Primary schools: Nursery- year6

-teaching art and design to children and adults with SEN: All ages

-Workshop leader: All ages and abilities

-Artist residencies: All ages and abilities

For a full detailed recent history of teaching posts/ workshops led please scroll down below the images.

I see the combination of being a practicing artist alongside teaching as being mutually beneficial, where creative ideas are shared. This is demonstrated below in some photos of work produced during my current position at St Johns Upper Holloway Primary School,  St Paul with St Luke Primary school, as well as group pieces produced in Street Art/ Graffiti workshops at Barnabnas Arts House last summer.

 An outdoor piece made in collaboration with those who attended a Barnabas Arts House Fringe week workshop, Summer 2012


Pupils choice display made with years 5 and 6 at St Johns Upper Holloway Primary. Each  week pupils choose their favourite art works made by their peers in the art sessions that week and these works go on a weekly revolving 'pupils choice' display


Display made with Year 2 at St Paul with St Luke Primary


Display made with Year 3 at St Paul with St Luke in response to Acrimboldo images



 A step further! Real mixed media! Sculptures made with real fruit, photographed and worked into with oil pastels/ watercolour and collage to make a collaborative year 4 group piece at St Johns Upper Holloway


Year 3 display of Ancient Egyptian inspired painted clay sculptures at St Johns Upper Holloway Primary



A year 5 pupils response to Monet's sunsets



For further examples of pupils work please visit the 'Workshops/ Teaching' page in the 'Paintings' section


If you have an idea for a workshop/ workshops you would like me to run or a vacant teaching post, please don't hesitate to contact me- see contact page. I am fully Police checked and ready to work. 


Teaching Experience

2012- Present: St Johns Upper Holloway Primary School, London- A teaching post as Art Co-ordinator undertaking all Art planning, delivering insets on planning and teaching Art in primary schools, managing resources and providing PPA cover in all subjects (Nursery- Yr 6)

2010- 2012: St Paul with St Luke Primary school, Bow, London- A part time teaching post providing PPA cover to all classes in, planning and delivering all the schools Art and Design lessons and writing reports (Yr 1- Yr6)

2010- Present: Barnabas Arts House, Newport, South Wales, School Holidays Artist in residence delivering Painting, Sculpture and Graffiti/Street Art workshops to all ages and abilities 

2010- Present: Protocol Education, providing subject specialist cover and general cover to Primary/secondary/special needs schools across London on a day to day supply teaching basis

2009: Barncroft Primary, Walthamstow, London- A part time teaching post providing subject specialist PPA cover alongside delivering lessons in all subjects to all classes (Nursery-Yr6)

2010- Present: Protocol Education, London, Providing subject specialist cover and general cover to Primary/secondary/special needs schools across London on a day to day supply teaching basis

2008: New Vic FE College, Newham, London, delivering Art workshops to 16-18 year olds

2008- Present: Step Teachers,London, Providing subject specialist cover and general cover to Primary/secondary/special needs schools across London on a day to day supply teaching basis

2006-2008: Grainville School, Jersey, Providing Art and RE lessons to years 11-16

2005-2006: Hartridge Pupil Referal Unit, Newport, South Wales, A part time Art teaching post delivering lessons to years 7-9

2000-2006: New Directions Education, Providing subject specialist cover and general cover to Primary/secondary/special needs schools across South Wales on a day to day supply teaching basis